Friday, May 28, 2010

ten truths about learning assessment

10 truths about learning assessment, courtesy of 13 truths about social media measurement. The parallels are striking.

  1. Measurement is not the goal

    Neither is third-party validation or accountability. Systematic improvement of teaching and learning is the goal.
  2. Measuring activity isn’t as important as measuring results

    This one I think we've pretty much taken to heart. Outputs not inputs.
  3. Metrics are determined by goals

    Determine what you measure based on what you want to accomplish. Some data are more useful for accountability, others for improvement. Consider how actionable and to what ends you can expect it to be before you decide on a measure.
  4. Cause and Correlation are different

    Correlations are easy to find. Causes aren't.
  5. Analysis is at least as hard as the measurement itself

    Understanding what the data mean and what to do about it is not only the end goal, it's also the hard part.
  6. Standardization has marked limitations

    Authentic data useful for improving teaching & learning does not lend itself to accountability or inter-institutional comparisons. Peter Ewell is right: accountability is incongruent with improvement.
  7. Reporting is not an outcome

    Doing something about what you report is.
  8. Measurement is in constant evolution

    We don't yet have the measurement of learning figured out by any stretch. We are making this up as we go along and probably will for some time yet.
  9. Measurement is cultural as well as operational

    If your culture is such that failure is feared and avoided at all costs, you are going to have problems that flawless execution will not preclude.
  10. “Learning isn’t measurable” is an excuse

    It really means:
    • I don't know how to operationalize / measure / analyze / interpret
    • I don't want to have to / can't afford to spend the time and effort needed
    • I’m afraid of what measuring will actually tell me about the effectiveness of my work

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